Riley Heruska
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The dreaded email from the school has finally hit your inbox: several children in your kid’s class have come to school with lice-infested heads, and now your little one might be at risk, too. Although lice do spread quickly and can be challenging to avoid in small areas like classrooms, there are some steps you can take to reduce the chances of lice squirming their way into your family.

Check Your Children’s Heads Immediately

As soon as you receive any kind of notice regarding lice infestations, do an at-home assessment of your children’s heads. Look up some pictures online so you can properly identify nits and lice and start conducting routine checks of everyone’s scalps. Catching a lice infestation quickly is the best way to prevent it from spreading throughout the family, especially considering that itchy symptoms sometimes don’t even show up until several weeks after the initial infestation. By the time people start complaining, the lice may have spread to multiple people in the home.

Teach Your Kids to Behave Safely at School

Although sharing hats, playing with each other’s hair, or leaning in close for selfies might seem like harmless playground activities, all of those activities make it easy for lice to crawl from head to head. Educate your children on safe hair hygiene so they’ll reduce their proximity to potentially infested heads.

Make Sure Everyone Is Using His or Her Own Hairbrush

Families often share hair brushes, but during a lice outbreak, it’s best to give everyone their own hair brush. That way, even if one family member becomes infested, it might not spread as quickly throughout different family members.

Encourage Young Girls to Keep Their Hair Tightly Braided or Tied Up

According to the CDC, some studies suggest that little girls get lice more frequently than little boys, probably because they tend to play with each other’s hair more. Discourage your children from fixing one another’s hair and keep your young girl’s hair tied up and out of the way. This might not be a 100 percent effective solution, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

Dry All of the Bedding and Stuffed Animals in Your Home on Hot

By letting all of the sheets, pillows, fuzzy bedtime friends, and blankets tumble around in the hot air of your dryer for at least 15 minutes, you can prevent infestations from spreading. Even if no one in your family has shown signs yet, it’s smarter to be safe during a period of lice infestations.

If the worst happens and someone does come home with a head full of the little pests, then it’s time to act. There are two Lice Lifters Treatment Centers, one in Frisco and one in Southlake, which offer emergency lice removal appointments. Mention BubbleLife and you’ll even receive 50 percent off a head check!

Their natural killing agent will destroy any and all lice activity without exposing your kids’ tender heads to nasty toxins or pesticides. Lice Lifters can also help prevent nits from coming back repeatedly, so you won’t have to live in a never-ending lice nightmare. The elimination process is extremely efficient, and it’ll save any parent a world of trouble.

In the event of a lice infestation, Lice Lifters can also come directly to the school to train staff members to perform head checks in the classroom. Lice Lifters employees will even come to the school to assist with head checks upon request. For more information on getting Lice Lifters involved at your school, email

To schedule an appointment, contact the centers at 817-677-1024 (Southlake location) or 972-805-1308 (Frisco location). You can also learn more about the company at


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